Sunday, July 10, 2005


Well... ADHD me is tired of Sarasota. Two years have passed, I've learned a lot, been promoted and even received two raises. I'm getting bored. A couple of weeks ago, I got on to my company's website and started looking for higher ranking jobs, in a different city. I applied for jobs in Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Pensacola, Niceville, Panama City, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Charleston & Nashville. Well, I received an offer from Panama City, but it's not what I'm looking for, I guess I'll have to wait until Hurricane Dennis is over before I can find out the details about that one. I also had a phone interview with the director from Charleston, after he spoke to my references, he had my travel arragements complete to fly up there for my face to face interview before my references had time to call me!!
This Friday, July 15th, I'm flying to Charleston to interview for the supervisor position at a hospital there. I'm really excited, but a little scared, not knowing if I'm making the right decision or not. I guess we'll see, and I'll let ya'll know how it goes! "Wish me luck"


Blogger Brettcajun said...

GOOD LUCK BOO!!!! Of course now you'll be further away from me! Waaaaa.... if you get a big raise you had better fly down here to New Orleans and visit!

11:19 AM, July 12, 2005  

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